The year 1883 began with a flood in Rüdesheim and as it released the town after several weeks, the locals started with tidying up the aftermath. Streets and houses were cleaned from the mud and they tried to dry the walls of the buildings from the inside with wood burning stoves. One of these locals who’s house was affected by the high water was the ale-brewer Friedrich Meuer.
10.05. German Sekt Day | |
19. - 22.06. Magic Bike | |
05.07. Rhine in Flames | |
14. - 18.08. Wine Festival | |
17.09. St. Hildegard's Day | |
17. - 19. 10. Federweisser Festival | |
24. - 26.10. Federweisser Festival | |
20. 11. - 23. 12. Christmas Market | |