Welcome to Rhine-on-Skates, the 65 km / 135 km inlineskating tour in the UNESCO world heritage site Upper Middle Rhine valley!
www.rhine-on-skates.de/english/ |
Every year on the anniversary of her death, a procession in honour of Hildegard of Bingen sets out from Eibingen parish church to carry the shrine containing her bones through the streets.
www.heilig-kreuz-rheingau.de |
Everyone who comes to Rüdesheim for the ‘latest’ wine festival of the year can look forward to a special experience tasting young wines known as federweisser.
www.tage-des-federweissen.de |
Within dark European wintertime, Weihnachten, German Christmas marks the highlight and beacon the seasons. For more than 20 years the market community of Rüdesheim Christmas Market of Nations celebrates Advent and Christmas time at River Rhine in a very special tradition:
More than 20 nations from five continents bring and offer their goods, specials, customs and celebrations of the season.
www.w-d-n.de/en/ |